Tuesday, December 29, 2009

20 Most Popular Social Bookmarking Sites of 2009

Top 20 Most Popular Social Bookmarking Websites | December 2009

You want web visitors to be able to easily bookmark your website to virally build your business. To accomplish this you need to allow them to link to these sites with bookmarks to communicate to others their use and approval of your website. From a recent article by eBizMBA, here are the 20 Largest Social bookmarking Websites in the US for 2009. The Websites were ranked by a combination of Inbound Links, Alexa Rank, and U.S. traffic data from Compete and Quantcast. Although no traffic metrics are completely accurate we do believe the data below to be useful for gauging relative audience size.

This ranking was compiled by: Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 12/2/2009 | eBizMBA

1 | twitter
760,750,806 - Inbound Links | 23,579,044 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 28,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 13 - Alexa Ranking.

2 | digg.com
383,598,000 - Inbound Links | 33,433,760 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 11,400,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 183 - Alexa Ranking.

3 | Yahoo! Buzz
20,031,000 - Inbound Links | 8,119,906 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 3,600,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | NA - Alexa Ranking.

4 | tweetmeme.com
422,863 - Inbound Links | 18,244,542 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 2,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 1,898 - Alexa Ranking.

5 | StumbleUpon.com
234,000,000 - Inbound Links | 4,418,609 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,100,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 362 - Alexa Ranking.

6 | reddit.com
161,685,000 - Inbound Links | 4,908,990 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 441 - Alexa Ranking.

7 | Technorati.com
175,287,000 - Inbound Links | 3,309,174 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 2,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 662 - Alexa Ranking.

8 | del.icio.us
427,665,000 - Inbound Links | 1,623,083 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 317,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 2,476 - Alexa Ranking.

9 | kaboodle.com
2,600,000 - Inbound Links | 3,941,212 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 2,500,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 1,694 - Alexa Ranking.

10 | mixx.com
16,005,000 - Inbound Links | 879,108 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 2,200,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 645 - Alexa Ranking.

11 | Propeller.com
5,725,000 - Inbound Links | 1,164,549 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 624,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 1,801 - Alexa Ranking.

12 | newsvine.com
71,708,775 - Inbound Links | 1,142,779 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 5,545 - Alexa Ranking.

13 | Fark.com
36,162,723 - Inbound Links | 652,762 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 4,119 - Alexa Ranking.

14 | Slashdot.org
37,566,035 - Inbound Links | 862,416 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 404,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 970 - Alexa Ranking.

15 | twine.com
343,090 - Inbound Links | 1,062,304 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 188,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 19,592 - Alexa Ranking.

16 | clipmarks.com
461,141 - Inbound Links | 379,354 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 507,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 6,330 - Alexa Ranking.

17 | dzone.com
3,867,009 - Inbound Links | 281,098 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 208,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 7,002 - Alexa Ranking.

18 | faves.com
1,437,453 - Inbound Links | 159,051 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 244,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 6,198 - Alexa Ranking.

19 | blinklist.com
51,912,576 - Inbound Links | 86,650 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 44,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 10,985 - Alexa Ranking.

20 | diigo.com
8,933,453 - Inbound Links | 146,144 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 30,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 7,569 - Alexa Ranking.

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