On September 19 - September 23, 10 cities throughout the world will be celebrating Social Media Week. These cities will be hosting seminars, parties, major social events, educational sessions, parties and other events celebrating how social media is changing the way we interact, market, and develop relationships with other people.
As a member of the advisory board for Chicago's Social Media Week celebrations, I am impressed with the expertise hosting and developing the sessions. We have some of the best social and blog experts in the world who will be hosting FREE seminars and sessions. Our city is also hosting key seminars for different vertical industries and for educators. It is a week worth of events you should not miss!
If you are a marketer or interested in social networking, these are must see events. If you are not in the key cities, I know we are planning to live stream most of our events throughout the week.
Here is the link to the main page of Social Media Week Social Media Week organization
For my students at Northwestern's IMC program and other people interested in volunteering in Chicago, here is the volunteer link In Chicago, you can volunteer to host a day, a session or assist in other ways for us to put on the event. We have sessions from the morning through to evening events every day so there is probably something you can do.
If you are in journalism or have professional camera equipment, we also are looking for people to help us live stream key events. If you are interested, go to the city site you desire and volunteer.
This is a great event. Don't miss it
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